Weight & Scale. This is a preliminary idea, investigating the imbalances that are found when looking at the weight compared to the scale of objects. However, this is too confusing to deliver without delving into heavy explanations' something graphic design shouldn't need to do.

I plan to work with printed outcomes for this brief. Posters, booklets, and cards are a few initial ideas, however i feel i can be more experimentive with my outcomes with the nature of the brief.

Creating Imbalance is another initial idea. Here are a few examples of it, and how visualising it would look. I think this approach is maybe too image based, as it is a ISTD brief, the 'punchline' needs to be delivered with type.

Here are more ideas for the focus of the brief. Leaving the creating imbalance idea, and looking into food nutrition has opened up a good route to take for the brief. Fast-food in particular contains high levels of cholesterol, fat, and calories, making an imbalanced diet.

Here are some poster designs, focusing on how type can be represented as fast-food and deliver the imbalanced message through facts about nutrition.
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